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Need directions with a legal problem? Have questions regarding a legal matter? Want to ask a question to a licensed attorney with over 25 years of experience? What is the difference between business forms? Is a corporation or LLC best for you? How about a partnership? Could it be that a Trust will serve your needs. Powers of Attorney?
A reverse mortgage is in your thoughts, what is the impact on your remaining family members? What legal rights do your family members have in the property with a reverse mortgage?
Do you need a will? Can you prevent your loved ones from court proceedings after you are gone? Special provisions may be needed for your special need children, grandchildren or spouse. Are their steps you can take to effectively deal with or handle a loved one suffering from substance abuse?
A "great idea." Where do you go next? Is a patent or copyright needed? Can you do it yourself? Are you able to trust patent and copyright help companies?
Are there questions you need to answer in a way that you project yourself in the most favorable light possible?
Criminal charges pending, threatened or possible? Effective ways to minimize a criminal record. Strategies to reduce the impact of a criminal record on employment. Ways to improve your chances of an early release from criminal supervision or probation. Is a course of action a matter of criminal consideration.
Creditors writing, calling, threatening you or your assets? How can you legally protect the assets from creditors.
These are just some of the areas and issues with which a Legal Consultation may help. Do not see your direct issue mentioned?
Contact us, we can help!
Being forewarned and forearmed makes all the difference in the world. Having directions and questions answered has helped my small business when handling issues that inevitably arise in the daily course of business and life. Taking the time to spend an hour here and there, with no long term commitment, has freed me up to concentrate on managing and growing my business and in maintaining my own sanity in personal matters.